Nominations for a school superstar in the people's choice award are now closed
Thank you for helping us break a new record for people's choice award nominations
With over 100 nominations from the local community, we have broken a new record! The people's choice award, sponsored by The News, recognises school and college staff who go above and beyond the call of duty.
The people's choice award is the only category that members of the public can nominate in. We are unable to accept any amends or additional nominations after the deadline of Friday 20 December 2024.
We would like to thank everyone who nominated in this category. From teachers to volunteers, nominations will be reviewed by a shortlisting panel in April 2025 with the shortlist announced in May 2025. The winner will be announced at the Teach Portsmouth Awards at Portsmouth Guildhall on Thursday 12 June 2025 from 6pm - 9:30pm.
The people's choice award gives residents in their community a chance to nominate a school or college superstar. The remaining categories are peer to peer only, co-ordinated by the school/college themselves by a senior representative.
The people's choice award nomination will go to a shortlisting panel in April next year. Those shortlisted will be contacted in May 2025. While you have nominated someone, that individual will still need to give consent to be featured in the awards.
This will be secured before your nomination goes to the shortlisting panel. We are unable to let you know if your nomination has been successful.
The Teach Portsmouth Awards is a closed event with a limited capacity for up to 300 school and college staff. We are unable to open the event up to residents due to venue size.