Living in Portsmouth

Welcome to our city
Photo: Stefan & Sara Venter

Portsmouth Schools

There are 62 schools in Portsmouth. Of these, 47 include primary phase classes and 11 include secondary phase classes (one all- through school has both primary and secondary phases). There are five schools for pupils with special education needs.

Here's what Ofsted says…

82% of schools in Portsmouth are good or better

(Source: school inspection reports as published by Ofsted as at August 2023.)


June 2023
Pupils see themselves as ‘Team Trafalgar’ and are proud to represent their school. For example, student sports leaders help pupils from the local special schools to fully participate in regional sports festivals.

The Portsmouth Academy

October 2023
Pupils in the older year groups value the knowledge and skill of teachers who provide support to help pupils achieve… Younger pupils feel they can confidently speak to adults in the school about any worries or concerns they may have.

Kings Academies Northern Parade (juniors)

October 2023
Happiness is at the heart of the school’s excellent work to boost well-being and mental health through exceptional pastoral care. Lovely

Wimborne Primary School

July 2023
Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are very strong. Leaders promote the importance of building relationships between staff, parents and pupils. Pupils look after and care for one another with high levels of respect.

Stamshaw Junior

November 2023
The school is ambitious. It expects its pupils to do their very best. An effective curriculum is in place with reading at the centre of it. Pupils show a genuine enthusiasm for reading.

The Harbour School

September 2023
The curriculum for older pupils is sequenced towards relevant qualifications and vocational pathways. Where pupils require a highly bespoke and individualised approach to their education, a new and thoughtful curriculum is being implemented.

School Admissions

If you are considering moving to Portsmouth to teach or to train to teach, you may be interested in finding out about school admissions. Portsmouth City Council is committed to working in close co-operation with school staff, governors and parents to make sure that all children in Portsmouth have an exciting, rewarding and successful experience in school.

Many Portsmouth schools give priority in the admissions criteria to the children of teachers and school staff who are employed at the school (or school on an adjacent site), including where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a skill shortage.

Local Offer for SEND pupils

For families of children with special education needs, you may be interested in the Local Offer website setting out in one place information about provision that is available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have special educational needs or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care plans.

Portsmouth Music Hub

An example of the thriving education picture in the city is the Portsmouth Music Hub, which won the Music Education Council's Major Award for a second consecutive year in 2017.

Capital investment in schools

Financial investment in school buildings is a priority for the Council. There are clear plans of the future demand for school places and plans to develop more accommodation in the city. Investment in recent years has especially been in secondary school provision due to rising numbers of secondary pupils. Further investment is planned in the period up to September 2027 to accommodate the larger cohorts of pupils coming through Portsmouth primary schools. We are also continuing to invest in improving our provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities by adapting our mainstream schools to support inclusion and by creating additional specialist places in inclusion centres and special schools.