Teach Portsmouth Awards 2025
Thank you for nominating in the Teach Portsmouth Awards
Portsmouth Guildhall
Thursday 12 June
6pm - 9:30pm

Nominations for the Teach Portsmouth Awards have now closed
What happens now?
The Teach Portsmouth team will begin contacting nominators to ask those nominated to give consent to be featured in the Teach Portsmouth Awards. A link will be sent to the nominator through email to forward to their colleagues.
Once consent has been given, we will begin to anonymise nominees and their supporting statements, ready for the shortlisting panel in April. The shortlist will be announced in May with the winner announced at the awards ceremony on Thursday 12 June.
Top questions
Nominators (those who have nominated a school or college staff member/team) are not able to give consent on behalf of someone. This means that we must get consent from the individuals who feature in award applications.
This will allow us to feature the nominee/s in marketing and at the awards ceremony. If you have nominated someone, we will be in contact to ask you to share our online consent form with the nominee/s.
We give individuals five working days to provide their information before removing them from the process.
We will take their nomination to the next stage for shortlisting. Their supporting information will be reviewed by a panel of education professionals who will mark each entry against the category criteria. If someone is shortlisted, they will be notified at the end of April with important next steps. The school will also be notified.
Each school is allocated two tickets to attend the awards ceremony. If a school has someone shortlisted, they will receive an additional ticket. Teach Portsmouth will operate a waiting list throughout the event as will allocate spare tickets on a first come, first served basis.
The option to purchase a ticket may be offered nearer to the event. This will depend on the uptake of free tickets between schools, the waiting list and remaining capacity after these two stages. Information about purchasing tickets will be communicated to schools before the ceremony in June in the Portsmouth Education Partnership bulletin.