Teach Portsmouth Support and
Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair 2025

Portsmouth Central LibraryThursday 1 May10am - 11:45am & 12pm - 2pm

Discover jobs and training opportunities to support children and young people

+ Jobs + Training + Apprenticeships + Information and advice + Taster sessions
  • Want to support pupils in a primary or secondary school?
  • Need to gain a qualification or build experience?

Join us for one of two identical sessions at the Support and Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair at Portsmouth Central Library on Thursday 1 May from 10am - 11:45am and 12pm - 2pm. Discover your future helping children and young people in the classroom and outside of it.

Schools, colleges and other organisations need professionals who can support the learning of pupils. You could be in the classroom as a teaching assistant or working with a group of children on a 1:1 basis.

The opportunities are endless at the Support and Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair. The event is split across two identical sessions. When booking, please choose one of the sessions you would like to attend.


Speak to schools and other organisations promoting vacancies

Watch short presentation about working in a school

Sign up to taster sessions to build confidence before applying

View vacancies and opportunities on the jobs board

Presentation schedule

Presentations begin at the start of the event. After the presentations end, attendees will be able to meet employers and training providers.

First session

10:00 AM Welcome and introduction
10:05 AM The Learning Place - Courses and confidence boosting
10:10 AM Meet the professionals - Support staff share their experiences
10:15 AM Short courses and qualifications - City of Portsmouth College and HSDC
10:20 AM Question and answer session
10:25 AM - 11:45 AM Speak to exhibitors about support and teaching assistant jobs and opportunities

Second session

12:00 PM Welcome and introduction
12:05 PM The Learning Place - Courses and confidence boosting
12:10 PM Meet the professionals - Support staff share their experiences
12:15 PM Short courses and qualifications - City of Portsmouth College and HSDC
12:20 PM Question and answer session
12:25 PM - 2:00 PM Speak to exhibitors about support and teaching assistant jobs and opportunities

Get ready for the Support and Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair

If you are looking for a career supporting children, young people and families in education, join us at the Teach Portsmouth Support and Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair on Thursday 1 May 2025 from 10am - 11:45am and 12pm - 2pm at Central Library.

Please select what session you would like to attend as they are both identical. We would recommend attending the start of each session as you will benefit from a series of short presentations.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask questions as part of a panel Q&A and meet exhibitors who will be promoting jobs and opportunities.

Registration Form

Top questions

What is the Support and Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair?

The Support and Teaching Assistant Jobs Fair features opportunities that include other support roles in education, beyond just teaching assistant vacancies. Schools and other organisations need patient and professional people to fill these types of jobs and look forward to meeting you at the event.

What is the format of the event?

Each session begins with a series of short presentations, before breaking out into a traditional recruitment fair where you can meet and talk to each exhibitor.

We would recommend arriving at the start of each session to get the most out of your experience, however, once the presentations end, you can drop in. If you are unable to make the start of the session, you can still attend the event.

What are taster sessions?

Schools and other organisations who attend the event can choose to participate in this scheme. Taster sessions are often no longer than 1.5 hours, which gives those who sign up a chance to meet staff, have a tour and learn more about their vacancies and opportunities. Those who enrol on taster sessions have gone on to become teaching assistants and volunteers in schools.

When will information on exhibitors be announced?

A list of exhibitors will be published in due course. Please check back regularly or subscribe to the Teach Portsmouth newsletter to be the first to hear about them.